Istra, Pula, Veli vrh, stanovanje na II. nadstropje manjše stanovanjske stavbe v skupni izmeri 115,5m2, ki obsega predsobo, tri spalnice, dnevno sobo, kuhinjo z jedilnico, dve kopalnici, pokrito teraso in dve parkirni mesti v nepremičnini. NOVO!!
Kupec ob nakupu ne plača 3% davka na promet nepremičnin. Začetek gradnje 10/2023 Rok zaključka 12/2024
**Interested buyers can obtain the necessary information about the advertised real estate and view it through our agency only with the prior signing of a real estate mediation contract or Real Estate Viewing Record.**
**The buyer pays an agency commission of 3% + VAT.**
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